Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why Should I Shave With A Safety Razor and Double Edge Blade?

Chances are, you’re already spending a fair amount of time each morning in preparation for the day ahead. Your current routine might go something like this: Squirt and apply a goo-like substance from a bottle to your hand. Rub that solution onto your face and follow that up by tediously dragging a disposable plastic razor across your face in an attempt to remove the pesky whiskers that have sprouted overnight. Rinse off, then hurriedly splash on some after shave lotion and run out the door to do battle with the day ahead…This routine may be resulting in subsequent razor stubble, rash, nicks, cuts, and annoying ingrown hairs.
Let’s change that scenario up a bit, replacing it with something slightly more challenging, and much more rewarding…
Following a refreshing shower, or the application of a hot, wet towel, you perform the following routine which requires merely 10 to 15 minutes of your morning ritual…
In a warm porcelain bowl, mix up a luscious, aromatic, thick, lather. With a hand tooled badger brush, proceed to apply that intoxicating mixture to your face until the areas to be shaved are thoroughly covered,  lubricated, and protected.
This process also serves to exfoliate your skin, thoroughly hydrate your whiskers, and  prepare them for what lies ahead… A genuine wake-up call for you and your face!!!
Reach for your safety or straight razor, and commence to perform a “with the grain” shave or “pass” followed by another lathering and an across the grain “pass.” One more lathering and lastly, perform an “across” or “against the grain pass,” whichever you prefer.
A final rinse with hot, followed by cold water, to close your pores, and an application of a lubricating, alcohol-free after shave balm to seal and protect your skin against the elements. Or if you prefer, the refreshing ”Sting and Slap” of an alcohol based after shave lotion.
You’ve probably spent only 5 minutes more shaving than your previous method, only now you’ve been rewarded with a ”BSS” Baby Smooth Shave, and the comforting thought that you’ve just bid adieu to your 5 O’clock shadow…
Another benefit of the Double Edge, “DE” Safety Razor, or Single Blade, Straight Razor method of shaving is that stubble and ingrown hairs will most likely become a vague memory, as a result of being cleanly sliced off with your trusty, surgical sharp safety razor or straight razor blade and the absence of pulling and tugging associated with multi-blade cartridge razors.
From a Financial Standpoint, the cost of a Double Edge Razor Blade is substantially less than the price of most multi-blade cartridges currently used.
From a “Green” Standpoint, a Double Edge Razor Blade has a much smaller carbon footprint than multi blade cartridges and take up far less space in a land fill, thus adding further benefit to the environment.
Written by Geofatboy

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